Sunshiny day

Sunny, 24°, light WNW.

Somewhat quiet out there today, however a surprise of a Garden Warbler singing in the Bullshole area also nice to compare with a Blackcap singing nearby.

2 Little Owl out at Lollingdon getting a little agitated when a Buzzard settled in a tree nearby.

The Swallow family still in the area and actively feeding, just wonder if they will raise another brood?

Several Swift flocks moving around the area and again a few House Martin with them.

2 Green Woodpecker on the hill and roaming all over and up to 12 Yellowhammer in song on the walk out..

Still no Yellow Wagtail noted in the parish!

There are a new pair of Carrion Crow back in the vicinity, plus a youngster. They have not come into the garden yet (only the tree tops) but am sure they will consolidate a territory as the year progresses. They have already had an influence on the local Rook and Jackdaw population. They stay clear!

Mammals: Brown Hare and Short-tailed Vole.

Dragonflies: Azure Damselfly, Southern Hawker and Emperor.

Butterflies: Large Skipper, Brimstone, Large White, Small White, Red Admiral, Painted Lady (3), Speckled Wood, Marbled White, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown and Ringlet.

Moths: Cinnabar Moth and Scarlet Tiger.

 Blackbird taking our Gooseberries
 2 Little Owl (at distance)
Carrion Crow

from Cholsey Wildlife


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