Migrants still on the move

Sunny, 20°, light NE.

A lovely autumnal day with wall to wall sunshine.

6 Spotted Flycatcher out at Lollingdon, with 4 around the paddocks and 2 in the cattle field and a singing Goldcrest, 2 Blackcap and several Chiffchaff nearby.

The Common Redstart still present on the hill and 2 Common Whitethroat, 3 Blackcap and a number of Chiffchaff.

2 Kestrel still hunting around the hill and a light passage of Hirundines. I wonder if Hirundines are still passing through on days like today but at a higher altitude and therefore not visible to the naked eye?

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Dragonflies: Southern Hawker & Common Darter.

Butterflies: Large White, Red Admiral (2), Painted Lady (1), Speckled Wood. A belated record of a Clouded Yellow on the Station road allotments a few weeks back. Per TW.

A lot of the field edge conservation strips where I walk have recently been cut, therefore no plants for butterflies, hence the paucity of butterfly records this week!

 Spotted Flycatcher ↕

 Spotted Flycatcher ↕

Common Whitethroat

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/09/migrants-still-on-move_13.html


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