April so far.

Migrants have been arriving or passing through most of the month so far.

Reed and Sedge Warbler have arrived in good numbers along with Blackcap and Common Whitethroat and a single Garden Warbler noted.

A few Willow Warbler have been seen along with several male and female Wheatear and a couple of Yellow Wagtail flying over.

A single female Ring Ouzel seen on the 17th and a couple of singing Lesser Whitethroat.

Swallow have been moving through in good numbers but not sure if local ones are present yet and several small flocks of House Martin noted.

One lucky person saw a Stoat in their garden last week.

Butterflies have been plentiful during the sunny weather with Brimstone and Orange Tip frequent, also Large White, Small White, Comma, Peacock, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and Speckled Wood. And a surprise of a Painted Lady found by TR in his garden on the 10th.

Tony has also trapped and ID’d a few Moths, Early Thorn, Brindled Beauty and Streamer amongst others and AD has photographed some Spindle Ermine Moths (totally harmless).

Tony has also recorded at least 10 Grass Snake and 60+ Slow-worm in his meadow.

VG has managed to find several specimens of Rugged Oil Beetle in Aston Tirrold but have not had any reports yet of other Oil Beetle species in the Cholsey area.

Thank you to Alan Dawson, Tony Williams, Tony Rayner, Vicky Gilson, Paul Rainsden and others for the information and photos.

Wheatear (AD)
Rugged Oil Beetle (VG)
 Ashy Mining Bee? (AD)
Brindled Beauty (TR)
 Painted Lady (TR)
The Streamer (TR)
  Ermine Moth Caterpillars (AD)

As a footnote: Loren and I have been ill over the last few weeks and are now making a slow but steady recovery. Subsequently have not been out for almost a month so there are no observations from me here.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/04/april-so-far.html


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