

Sunny spells, 11°, light SW. Another new species for the year found by Alan today in the form of a Goosander on the river. Also several Siskin  in the Alders and a Little Grebe on the river. Unable to get out this week as I’m trying to shake of a nasty cold! Goosander courtesy Alan Kingfisher courtesy Alan Roe Deer courtesy Alan from Cholsey Wildlife


 Goldcrest, 1 of 2 by the church today. Per Alan Dawson. from Cholsey Wildlife

A brighter day

Light cloud with a few sunny periods, 13°, light SSW. Alan along the river again today and managed to see a Wigeon drop in on the river briefly before flying off again. The first record of this species in Cholsey this year. Also a Little Grebe , Grey Wagtail and a flyover Raven . Unable to get out today so just made do with what was around the garden. A male Sparrowhawk swept thru on a couple of occasions but did not manage to take anything and a brief visit of a Jackdaw and a Mistle Thrush singing at the top of a tree in the garden. Have not seen a Nuthatch in the garden since early spring so not sure what has become of them? Butterflies: 2 male Brimstone . Per Alan. from Cholsey Wildlife

Late Insects

Tony Rayner recorded a late Brimstone butterfly today and 9 species of moth in his trap, including 3 Feathered Thorn. 1 pictured below. courtesy Tony Rayner from Cholsey Wildlife

Grey Day

Overcast with a few light rain showers, 15°, light SE. A rather drab day weather wise and a somewhat quiet day birdwise. Not much change along the Bunk line area today, maybe more Fieldfare and Starling around. Cettis’s Warbler , Grey Heron and several Siskin along Cholsey Marsh but again much the same as previous days. Per Alan. Grey Heron in Brook Meadow Grey Wagtail - Garden Grey Heron - Cholsey Marsh courtesy Alan. from Cholsey Wildlife


Overcast and a bit murky, 13°, very light SSE. A little more activity along the Bunk line/Green lane area today with c400 Thrushes around. A good mix of both Fieldfare and Redwing and around 200 Starling in several flocks. An increase in Pied Wagtail noted plus c20 Yellowhammer , 2 Reed Bunting and a Chiffchaff also seen. 20+ Siskin , Cholsey Marsh.Per Alan. Pied Wagtail ↕ from Cholsey Wildlife

A nice day but rather quiet

A sunny day, 15°, light E. An unseasonably mild day! A relatively quiet time along the Bunk line/Green lane area today. Good numbers of Redwing and a couple of small flocks of Fieldfare feeding on the Hawthorns. c50 Meadow Pipit , a few Yellowhammer , Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker  and a Grey Heron and 2 Herring Gull and approx. 100 Black-headed Gull around CSW. Mammals: Up to 4 Pipistrelle (presumably Common) along Bunk line this evening. Per Alan. Redwing Wren Meadow Pipit ↕ Little Owl courtesy Alan Dawson from Cholsey Wildlife