A brighter day

Light cloud with a few sunny periods, 13°, light SSW.

Alan along the river again today and managed to see a Wigeon drop in on the river briefly before flying off again. The first record of this species in Cholsey this year.

Also a Little Grebe, Grey Wagtail and a flyover Raven.

Unable to get out today so just made do with what was around the garden.

A male Sparrowhawk swept thru on a couple of occasions but did not manage to take anything and a brief visit of a Jackdaw and a Mistle Thrush singing at the top of a tree in the garden.

Have not seen a Nuthatch in the garden since early spring so not sure what has become of them?

Butterflies: 2 male Brimstone. Per Alan.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/11/a-brighter-day.html


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