Out & About

Sunny spells after early mist, 10°, light E.

Alan probably had the better day today along the river with 20+ Siskin feeding in the Alders, a Cetti’s Warbler, 2-3 Chiffchaff, a Stonechat, Water Rail, Bullfinch and Goldcrest to name a few.

Lollingdon and the Bunk line/Green lane areas were relatively quiet, 2 Stonechat on Lollingdon Hill, 2 Corn Bunting, a few flocks of Fieldfare and Redwing, 20+ Yellowhammer, 2 Reed Bunting and good numbers of Meadow Pipit, Skylark etc.

BL/GL fairly quiet with a single Chiffchaff and several Redwing and Fieldfare. Several small flocks of Starling moving thru and c80 Black-headed Gull around CSW.

2 other birders out along there today in the form of Mike Amphlett and Steve Foster who also saw 100+ Golden Plover over Cholsey Hill and a couple of Kestrel nearby.

All the other usual suspects noted.

Stonechat & Siskin pics courtesy Alan Dawson

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/11/out-about.html


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