A little quiet out there!

Sunshine and showers, 10°, light W.

A quiet day out there, Lollingdon hill was quiet, a flock of c200 gulls following a tractor working one of the fields. Mainly Black-headed Gull (nearly all in summer plumage), 10 Lesser Blackback Gull and a single Herring Gull.

A flock of c20 Meadow Pipit flew west and a Pied Wagtail present.

12 Fieldfare and a single Redwing seen nearby and a Chiffchaff briefly in song.

A female Sparrowhawk soaring high over the garden early afternoon.

A very vocal Water Rail on Cholsey Marsh yesterday and 2 possible Green Sandpiper present. Per Ed M.


from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/03/a-little-quiet-out-there.html


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