Wheatear again

A sunny day with variable cloud, 13°, light SW.

Not a lot to shout about today.

A single male Wheatear on the hill today and a flurry of Meadow Pipit flying over, approx. 30 birds in total. A Corn Bunting in song and a few Yellowhammer around.

The Little Owl nearby and a Grey Heron.

And of course the usual Chiffchaffs in song.

Most of the Gulls have left the farm land now, just a small flock of Black-headed Gull and a single Lesser Blackback Gull noted.

2 Song Thrush feeding in the garden at dusk.

Mammals: Roe Deer, a (Common) Pipistrelle flying at dusk again.

Butterflies: Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock.

Chiffchaff (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Little Owl
 Grey Heron
Roe Deer

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/03/wheatear-again.html


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