A little quiet.

Misty and overcast with a few light rain showers, 12°, light NW.

Not too much going on today, the hill was fairly quiet.

2 Raven flew south and a single Swallow north, several singing Corn Bunting present and a single Reed Bunting and 3 Yellowhammer.

Good numbers of Chiffchaff and Blackcap in song and a single Common Whitethroat.

A flock of 70+ Fieldfare present out at Lollingdon and the Little Owl seen.

Several Sedge Warbler in at Cholsey Marsh. Per Ed & Alan.

Mammals: several Voles noted but not specifically ID’d.

Thanks to Alan Dawson for photos of Sedge Warbler & "Tail-less" Red Kite and Phil Dyson for the Mistle Thrush.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/04/a-little-quiet.html


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