My Blackbirds Fledge… and I move the camera to a new nest!

I can’t believe how quickly the blackbirds duo have grown and, this week, they left the nest, fledging successfully into the garden.

The parents have been bringing loads of food to the nest and the chicks’ plumage very quickly appeared and wing feathers developed.

They were soon starting to stretch and clamber around the edge of the nest….

I was pretty sure they were going to go any time and I wasnt wrong. On the 18th April, both chicks fledged; one just after 7am and the second at around half 9. I have seen both of them in the garden, being fed by the adults. What a lovely story this has been to follow!

You can see all the videos from this nest by following the ‘NestEnders 2019’ tab on my website.

With the camera live streaming, I was keen to see if I could find another nest for this camera to go onto. I thought I had seen a robin nip in and out the ivy around a stone bird bath I have, right outside my kitchen window. I had a look inside and there, tucked safely in the ivy, was a nest. I was not sure if it was being used and I had not seen the robin go in for a while, so I sneaked the camera into the side of the ivy. I was delighted, this morning, to see a robin sat in there. She seems to be laying right now, so is not visible during the day, other than first thing in the morning when she pops in to lay. When she has laid all of her eggs, she will start incubating. let’s hope this is another successful nest. You can watch it live, by following the ‘live cameras’ tab on my website.





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