Thrushes & Corvids & more

Overcast with almost constant light rain, 12°, light SSE.

Bunk line/Green lane.

Good numbers of Corvids feeding in the fields between Wallingford road and the Bunk line. Mainly Rook and Jackdaw, 20+ Carrion Crow, 6 Magpie and 2 Jay. 4 Herring Gull also present.

Several hundred Thrushes scattered around with Fieldfare dominant, 50+ Redwing, c30 Blackbird, 8 Song Thrush and 3 Mistle Thrush.

Fairly quiet for smaller birds although several Bullfinch, 2 Yellowhammer, a few Meadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail and a Chiffchaff.

Nuthatch, Coal Tit and Treecreeper in garden.

Around a dozen Bats feeding over CSW at dusk, probably Common Pipistrelle? Also Blackcap (m) and a Grey Wagtail. (Per Alan Dawson).

Song Thrush
Fieldfare ↕

And 3 from Alan

 Grey Wagtail ↕

Grey Partridge

from Cholsey Wildlife


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