
Sunny at first the clouding up, 8°, light W.

A rather uneventful walk out to Lollingdon and back today.

An increase in the number of Winter Thrushes around with 100+ Fieldfare and around 20 Redwing and a few Mistle Thrush. Also at least 4 Bullfinch around the hill and the Linnet/Chaffinch flock reaching around 100 birds.

Some late insects noted today with a Brimstone butterfly seen (PC&TW) and a pair of Common Darter in tandem mode.

Several observers reporting sightings of a Little Egret around Cholsey recently.

A couple of Roe Deer also seen.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/11/uneventful.html


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