Cholsey Wildlife 2019

Wildlife recorded in Cholsey Parish 2019. 

115 Bird species:

An average year with a few surprises. The first Great Egret seen by Richard Broughton flying south over Church road on 8th August was an expected addition to the Cholsey list. The next surprise was a White-tailed Eagle seen flying over Cholsey Church on the 15th September and the subsequently over the Millennium field football pitch and seen by many who were watching a match at the time. A few days later 15 White Stork were seen flying north over the River Thames by Gerry Sexton.

The 2 latter species were all from release schemes in the south of England and represent wandering birds.

15 Mammal species:

Another average showing. Surely there must be a few more Mammal species around Cholsey?

4 Reptile & Amphibian Species:

Cholsey seems poor for the above with only 4 species recorded and no sightings of Newts this year!

17 Dragonfly Species:

A good year for Dragonflies but nothing unexpected.

30 Butterfly Species:

Slightly up on last year in species but some species, in particular Small Tortoiseshell down in numbers. Whereas Painted Lady was seen in good numbers and ranked as one of the invasion years for this migrant Butterfly.

2 other were noted, Marsh Fritillary and Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary but these are assumed to be either escapes or deliberate release by a local breeder.

Moth Species:

No figures on the number of Moth species. However some new additions to the Cholsey list all thanks to Tony Rayner.

Other Insects:

No figures for Insect species this year but a few local rarities noted. Black Oil Beetle, Rousel’s Bush Cricket and Hornet Robber Fly.

Non-native species:

A Black Swan graced the Thames for a short time and the Harris Hawk was seen on 2 occasions this year and the first record of the invasive Signal Crayfish seen.

A big thank you to all the observers and photographers who passed on their sightings. In particular Alan Dawson who has supplied many good photos and records. Tony Williams, Tony Rayner, Richard Broughton, Gerry Sexton and many others. Thanks.

Below is a list of species noted in 2019 and I hope we can continue on your support and information in 2020.

Wildlife species recorded in Cholsey as at 31st December 2019.

If anyone can add to this annual list, please let me know at or


1. Mute Swan

2. Greylag Goose

3. Canada Goose

4. Shelduck

5. Mallard

6. Shovelor

7. Tufted Duck

8. Wigeon

9. Teal

10. Red-legged Partridge

11. Grey Partridge

12. Pheasant

13. Little Grebe

14. Great-crested Grebe

15. Cormorant

16. Little Egret

17. White Stork

18. Grey Heron

19. Great White Egret

20. White-tailed Eagle

21. Red Kite

22. Buzzard

23. Sparrowhawk

24. Kestrel

25. Hobby

26. Peregrine Falcon

27. Merlin

28. Water Rail

29. Moorhen

30. Coot

31. Oystercatcher

32. Ringed Plover

33. Golden Plover

34. Lapwing

35. Dunlin

36. Curlew

37. Whimbrel

38. Common Snipe

39. Ruff

40. Black-headed Gull

41. Common Gull

42. Great Blackback Gull

43. Lesser Blackback Gull

44. Yellow-legged Gull

45. Herring Gull

46. Common Tern

47. Wood Pigeon

48. Stock Dove

49. Collared Dove

50. Cuckoo

51. Barn Owl

52. Tawny Owl

53. Little Owl

54. Swift

55. Kingfisher

56. Green Woodpecker

57. Great-spotted Woodpecker

58. Skylark

59. Swallow

60. Sand Martin

61. House Martin

62. Meadow Pipit

63. Pied Wagtail

64. Grey Wagtail

65. Yellow Wagtail

66. Dunnock

67. Robin

68. Stonechat

69. Whinchat

70. Common Redstart

71. Wheatear

72. Song Thrush

73. Redwing

74. Mistle Thrush

75. Fieldfare

76. Blackbird

77. Ring Ouzel

78. Cetti’s Warbler

79. Grasshopper Warbler

80. Blackcap

81. Garden Warbler

82. Common Whitethroat

83. Lesser Whitethroat

84. Sedge Warbler

85. Reed Warbler

86. Willow Warbler

87. Chiffchaff

88. Goldcrest

89. Firecrest

90. Spotted Flycatcher

91. Wren

92. Great Tit

93. Blue Tit

94. Coal Tit

95. Long-tailed Tit

96. Nuthatch

97. Treecreeper

98. Magpie

99. Jay

100. Jackdaw

101. Rook

102. Carrion Crow

103. Raven

104. Starling

105. House Sparrow

106. Chaffinch

107. Brambling

108. Linnet

109. Goldfinch

110. Greenfinch

111. Siskin

112. Bullfinch

113. Reed Bunting

114. Yellowhammer

115. Corn Bunting


1. Hedgehog

2. Mole

3. Short-tailed Vole

4. Wood Mouse

5. Pygmy Shrew

6. Common Shrew

7. Grey Squirrel

8. Rabbit

9. Brown Hare

10. Stoat

11. Weasel

12. Otter

13. Red Fox

14. Roe Deer

15. Muntjac Deer

Reptiles & Amphibians:

1. Common Frog

2. Common Toad

3. Common Lizard

4. Grass Snake


1. Banded Demoiselle

2. White-legged Damselfly

3. Large Red Damselfly

4. Red-eyed Damselfly

5. Azure Damselfly

6. Common Blue Damselfly

7. Blue-tailed Damselfly

8. Brown Hawker

9. Common Clubtail

10. Hairy Dragonfly

11. Southern Hawker

12. Migrant Hawker

13. Emperor

14. Four-spot Chaser

15. Broad-bodied Chaser

16. Black-tailed Skimmer

17. Common Darter


1. Dingy Skipper

2. Large Skipper

3. Small Skipper

4. Essex Skipper

5. Clouded Yellow

6. Brimstone

7. Small White

8. Large White

9. Green-veined White

10. Orange Tip

11. Green Hairstreak

12. Common Blue

13. Brown Argus

14. Holly Blue

15. Small Blue

16. Small Copper

17. Painted Lady

18. Red Admiral

19. Small Tortoiseshell

20. Peacock

21. Comma

22. Silver-washed Fritillary

23. Marsh Fritillary (probable release)

24. Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary (probable release)

25. Speckled Wood

26. Marbled White

27. Gatekeeper

28. Ringlet

29. Meadow Brown

30. Small Heath

Notable Moths: 

1. Lime Hawk Moth

2. Cinnabar Moth

3. Scarlet Tiger

4. Lichen Tree Beauty

5. Jersey Tiger

6. Clifden Nonpareil

Insects of note:

1. Black Oil Beetle

2. Dark-edged Bee-fly

3. Dotted Bee-fly

4. Cockchafer

5. Stag Beetle

6. Red & Black Froghopper

7. Swollen-thighed Beetle

8. Rousel’s Bush Cricket

9. Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

10. Hummingbird Hawkmoth

11. Hornet Robber Fly

Non-native species: 

1. Black Swan

2. Harris Hawk

3. Signal Crayfish

 Painted Lady
 Rousel's Bush Cricket
 Roe Deer
 Southern Hawker
Jersey Tiger

Happy 2020 from Cholsey Wildlife.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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