Foggy start

Foggy at first then sunshine, 5°, light S.

Thrushes still dominating the aviscape with good numbers of Fieldfare, Redwing and Blackbird and several Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush and good numbers of Robin present.

The Thrushes on the hill this morning suddenly flew off in all directions giving alarm calls and approx. 10 seconds later a female Sparrowhawk appeared from out of the fog and settled on the hill. How did they see her coming?

The Little Egret accidentally flushed from Cholsey brook south of the railway and disappeared into the fog.

A couple of Bullfinch heard calling along a hedgerow but obscured by fog.

Sparrowhawk in the garden again.

 Carrion Crow ↕

Lollingdon Hill in fog and 10 minutes later........ ↕

from Cholsey Wildlife


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