A local rarity and some regulars

 Cloudy with some light rain (heavier later), 17°, light SW.

A completely unexpected find today of a Woodlark at 06:45 this morning. Seen on a path briefly out near Little Lollingdon before being flushed by a dog. Flew off west and called several times. Unfortunately no photo.

This species bred on Cholsey Downs in the 1950’s & 60’s but only 3 records of individuals since.

Yellow Wagtail and 5 House Sparrow nearby.

Little Owl seen again, a Lesser Whitethroat and several small Starling flocks passing thru.

The hill was relatively quiet, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat, ChiffchaffReed BuntingYellowhammer and Corn Bunting all noted and a Kestrel hunting.

Overhead, around 80 Swift passed south along with several Swallow family groups and 10 House Martin.

Approx. 10 Lesser Blackback Gull frequenting the pig fields on the other side of the A417.

Treecreeper in the garden again.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: 2 Meadow Brown.

 Little Owl
 Young House Sparrow
 Adult male House Sparrow

Young Swallow (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/07/a-local-rarity-and-some-regulars.html


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