Wet 'n Windy

Overcast with frequent showers, 19°, breezy SSW.

The juv Stonechat still present on the hill along with the male Common Redstart, several Common Whitethroat and a Chiffchaff, also 2 Kestrel in the area.

During a brief break in the rain the Stonechat came down onto the fence line for a time before flying back up the hill when the rain started again.

100+ Swift, c40 Swallow and several House Martin overhead in the space of 90 minutes and 3 Lesser Blackback Gull.

The garden has been very busy today with both Blue and Great Tits, a Great-spotted Woodpecker, Robin, Dunnock, Woodpigeon, Stock Dove and several Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch a 5+ Blackbird.

Also some local Swallows feeding low over the garden and adjacent meadow.

juv Stonechat

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/07/wet-n-windy.html


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