A wet one

Rain, 19°, light SSE.

A thoroughly wet day and did not venture out until around 15:00 when the rain had eased a little.

As expected it was rather quiet along the Bunk line on a brief walk.

A good passage of House Martin and Swallow passing thru 100+ birds in total.

5 Yellow Wagtail flew over and a Sparrowhawk flying low along the line. Good numbers of Greenfinch still present around Green lane and do not recall seeing that many before in that area. Also been a good dozen feeding in the garden recently and a Grey Wagtail present again.

Alan saw the Common Sandpiper again today on the new gravel workings.

Surprisingly a couple of butterfly on the wing with 3 Small White, 1 Red Admiral and a Meadow Brown.

Yellow Wagtail pics courtesy Alan

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/08/a-wet-one.html


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