We had weather today!

Cloudy with some sunshine and rain arriving, 16°, light SSE.

A visit to Lollingdon Hill and a walk along the Bunk line today prior to rain and a thunderstorm late afternoon. We certainly got weather today! 😎 💦 🌈 ☂ ☁

2 Common Redstart, a Willow Warbler, several Chiffchaff and a Common Whitethroat present along with a Kestrel.

A single Yellow Wagtail overhead and a Hobby passing thru and a few small groups of Swallow.

Along the Bunk line I was watching a couple of Yellow Wagtail in a field when a Kestrel went over and 14 Yellow Wagtail flew up. Did not realise there were that many present. 😄

50-60 Hirundines feeding around CSW, mainly Swallow with a few House Martin.

A few Chiffchaff present in the hedgerow around the sewage works and one in song.

A Grey Wagtail in the garden again.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/08/we-had-weather-today.html


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