
Showing posts from November, 2020


Sunny spells, 11°, light SW. Another new species for the year found by Alan today in the form of a Goosander on the river. Also several Siskin  in the Alders and a Little Grebe on the river. Unable to get out this week as I’m trying to shake of a nasty cold! Goosander courtesy Alan Kingfisher courtesy Alan Roe Deer courtesy Alan from Cholsey Wildlife


 Goldcrest, 1 of 2 by the church today. Per Alan Dawson. from Cholsey Wildlife

A brighter day

Light cloud with a few sunny periods, 13°, light SSW. Alan along the river again today and managed to see a Wigeon drop in on the river briefly before flying off again. The first record of this species in Cholsey this year. Also a Little Grebe , Grey Wagtail and a flyover Raven . Unable to get out today so just made do with what was around the garden. A male Sparrowhawk swept thru on a couple of occasions but did not manage to take anything and a brief visit of a Jackdaw and a Mistle Thrush singing at the top of a tree in the garden. Have not seen a Nuthatch in the garden since early spring so not sure what has become of them? Butterflies: 2 male Brimstone . Per Alan. from Cholsey Wildlife

Late Insects

Tony Rayner recorded a late Brimstone butterfly today and 9 species of moth in his trap, including 3 Feathered Thorn. 1 pictured below. courtesy Tony Rayner from Cholsey Wildlife

Grey Day

Overcast with a few light rain showers, 15°, light SE. A rather drab day weather wise and a somewhat quiet day birdwise. Not much change along the Bunk line area today, maybe more Fieldfare and Starling around. Cettis’s Warbler , Grey Heron and several Siskin along Cholsey Marsh but again much the same as previous days. Per Alan. Grey Heron in Brook Meadow Grey Wagtail - Garden Grey Heron - Cholsey Marsh courtesy Alan. from Cholsey Wildlife


Overcast and a bit murky, 13°, very light SSE. A little more activity along the Bunk line/Green lane area today with c400 Thrushes around. A good mix of both Fieldfare and Redwing and around 200 Starling in several flocks. An increase in Pied Wagtail noted plus c20 Yellowhammer , 2 Reed Bunting and a Chiffchaff also seen. 20+ Siskin , Cholsey Marsh.Per Alan. Pied Wagtail ↕ from Cholsey Wildlife

A nice day but rather quiet

A sunny day, 15°, light E. An unseasonably mild day! A relatively quiet time along the Bunk line/Green lane area today. Good numbers of Redwing and a couple of small flocks of Fieldfare feeding on the Hawthorns. c50 Meadow Pipit , a few Yellowhammer , Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker  and a Grey Heron and 2 Herring Gull and approx. 100 Black-headed Gull around CSW. Mammals: Up to 4 Pipistrelle (presumably Common) along Bunk line this evening. Per Alan. Redwing Wren Meadow Pipit ↕ Little Owl courtesy Alan Dawson from Cholsey Wildlife

Out & About

Sunny spells after early mist, 10°, light E. Alan probably had the better day today along the river with 20+ Siskin feeding in the Alders, a Cetti’s Warbler , 2-3 Chiffchaff , a Stonechat , Water Rail , Bullfinch and Goldcrest to name a few. Lollingdon and the Bunk line/Green lane areas were relatively quiet, 2 Stonechat on Lollingdon Hill, 2 Corn Bunting , a few flocks of Fieldfare and Redwing , 20+ Yellowhammer , 2 Reed Bunting and good numbers of Meadow Pipit , Skylark etc. BL/GL fairly quiet with a single Chiffchaff and several Redwing and Fieldfare . Several small flocks of Starling moving thru and c80 Black-headed Gull around CSW. 2 other birders out along there today in the form of Mike Amphlett and Steve Foster who also saw 100+ Golden Plover over Cholsey Hill and a couple of Kestrel nearby. All the other usual suspects noted. Stonechat & Siskin pics courtesy Alan Dawson from Cholsey Wildlife

A Finch day

Foggy at first then sunshine, 9°, light ENE. Turned out to be a Finch day today I had a flyover Brambling with some Chaffinch along the Bunk line and Alan had 2 Redpoll and 4-6 Siskin along the river. Also good numbers of Goldfinch , several Linnet and Greenfinch and 2 Bullfinch . Little else along the Bunk line other than 2 Goldcrest , c100 Redwing , c20 Fieldfare and a single Chiffchaff and a flock of c30 Greylag Geese over in the fog. Alan also saw/heard a Cetti’s Warbler , Sparrowhawk , 5 Common Snipe , a Water Rail , a Grey Wagtail and a Stonechat (Cholsey Meadows) . Mammals: Roe Deer . Dragonflies: a Common Darter (Green lane) . Goldfinch Grey Wagtail courtesy Alan from Cholsey Wildlife

Lollingdon & the Thames

Sunshine, 10°, light NW. Frosty start with wall to wall sunshine today but still soggy underfoot in a lot of places. A walk out to Lollingdon and Alan along the river. 2, possibly 3 Stonechat present around Lollingdon hill and good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing in the area. Meadow Pipit numbers still high but birds widely dispersed and still good numbers of Skylark present and 2 Corn Bunting flew overhead. A Tawny Owl flushed by a loose dog running where it shouldn’t. 2 Bullfinch , a Chiffchaff and a Grey Heron in the cattle field and 1 or 2 Goldcrest Millennium wood. 2 Water Rail at Cholsey Marsh and a small flock of Siskin feeding on the Alders, plus Grey Wagtail , 1 Kingfisher , Meadow Pipit , 2 Goldcrest , 1 Chiffchaff , Fieldfare and Redwing . Mammals: Brown Hare and Roe Deer and a possible Water Vole ????? Dragonflies: a Common Darter , Lollingdon and another along the river. Butterflies: a Peacock near the Millennium Wood and a Red Admiral

November begins

Sunny intervals with a fresh south westerly breeze, 13°. Alan out along the river this morning and a Cetti’s Warbler seen at Cholsey Marsh and a Stonechat near the 4-Arches. I was out along the Bunk line with 2 Stonechat , 3 Chiffchaff and plenty of Redwing and Fieldfare and a Sparrowhawk . All the usual suspects to be expected seen. Mammals: Brown Hare and Roe Deer . Dragonflies: Migrant Hawker and Common Darter along the river and a Common Darter Green lane. Butterflies: a Red Admiral , river and 2 Red Admiral TR’s garden. Yellowhammer. Not known for their flycatching abilities 😀 Migrant Hawker courtesy Alan Kingfisher courtesy Alan ????? from Cholsey Wildlife