Blackcap & Little Egret

Cloudy and wet, clearing later. 9°, light SW.

A female Blackcap in the garden early morning (ringed on right leg).

A walk out to the hill today was a rather damp affair. The hill was very quiet with just a few Meadow Pipit and Linnet buzzing around and 2 Jay.

Elsewhere: a Little Egret seen distantly downstream of Amwell Spring, lots of Redwing, a few small flocks of Fieldfare and Starling. A Goldcrest in song and with a Tit flock along Cholsey Brook.

3 Mistle Thrush in song between the village and Lollingdon and a Song Thrush singing close to the garden and another in the garden.

A Blue Tit seen this afternoon feeding on Mahonia flowers (Mahonia japonica). Probably feeding on the pollen/nectar. The plant is native to Taiwan but we have one in the garden. It flowers from December through ‘til about March and is a good early source of nectar for Bees etc.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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