Stonechats & Ravens

A frosty start with sunshine, 2°, light WNW.

The hill was buzzing this morning, the 2 Stonechat still present along with c100 Fieldfare, 120+ Starling, 2 Mistle Thrush, 6+ Redwing, 50+ Meadow Pipit, 5 Pied Wagtail, 3 Reed Bunting, 5 Yellowhammer and a Corn Bunting.

A couple of Raven around Lollingdon and 5 Teal out on one of the floods and a couple of Lapwing flew over.

A Grey Heron near Little Lollingdon. Per Bill Nicholls.

2 Little Egret yesterday. Per Alan Dawson.

20+ Golden Plover on Cholsey hill yesterday. Per Gerry Quinn.


Reed Bunting

from Cholsey Wildlife


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