Will it or won't it............snow!

Bright at first then clouding over, 3°, light ESE.

Apparently snow is on the way.......but don't hold your breath!

Little change from Wednesday bird wise. The 2 Stonechat still present and quite a few Fieldfare, a few Redwing, at least 4 Song Thrush and several Pied Wagtail and Meadow Pipit on the hill.

A Little Egret, 2 Jay, a Green Woodpecker and 2 Great-spotted Woodpecker (both drumming), a few Yellowhammer and 2 Reed Bunting.

3 Teal also present out at Lollingdon. Per Tony Williams and a female Blackcap in his garden regularly.

10+ Red Kite over the allotments along Station road today and a Little Egret seen out at Lollingdon. Per Bill Nichols.

A male Blackcap in Phil Dysons garden feeding on Callicarpa berries recently.

100+ Corn Bunting at the roost on Cholsey Marsh and a Sparrowhawk present early this week. Per Ed Munday.

Mammals: Roe Deer.

 Male Blackcap (courtesy Phil Dyson)
 Callicarpa berries (courtesy Phil Dyson)

 Meadow Pipit
Little Egret (courtesy Bill Nichols, taken with a compact camera)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/01/will-it-or-wont-itsnow.html


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