Going South

Cloudy with some showers and sunshine, 20°, breezy WSW.

Fairly active out at Lollingdon today with birds on the move, the Common Redstart still present, also 2 Blackcap, a Common Whitethroat and 2 Chiffchaff in the same section of hedge on the hill.

Nearby a Willow Warbler, 2 more Blackcap, 3 Common Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Spotted Flycatcher and several Chiffchaff. Most birds quite actively feeding.

A few Hirundines moving through with a flock of approx. 40 House Martin, and several small Swallow flocks (numbering approx. 80 in total). 4 Swift also drifted south.

A couple of Jay heard and a Grey Heron seen.

Mammals: Short-tailed Vole, Weasel, Brown Hare and Roe Deer.

Dragonflies: Banded Demoiselle, Southern Hawker and Common Darter.

Butterflies: few on the wing: Large White, Small White, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown.

Young Roe Deer
Redstart again!

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/08/going-south.html


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