Spot Fly & Redstart

Early rain then sunny spells, 22°, breezy WSW.

Fairly quiet today, the Common Redstart still present on the hill and 5+ Spotted Flycatcher on the north side of the hill and a Yellow Wagtail flew south.

A few flocks of Swallow moving through but no Swift seen. A single Swift seen over the village yesterday but none noted today, none seen in Wallingford or Didcot either.

Local breeding Swallows and House Martins still present.

The odd Common Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff encountered but no other summer visitors.

A recent build-up of Gulls in the pig fields recently has reached c100 birds, virtually all Lesser Blackback Gull with a few Black-headed Gull amongst them.

Dragonflies: Southern Hawker and Common Darter.

Butterflies: Brimstone, Large White, Small White, Red Admiral, Comma, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown.

 Spotted Flycatcher

Common Redstart
Nuthatch coming down for a drink

from Cholsey Wildlife


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