A Wonderful Jewellery Making Course with Emma Mitchell…..
I have been following Emma Mitchell on Twitter for a while. Her wonderful representations of the natural world were the pull for me … I have a fascination with all natural forms. Her website is well worth a visit, especially if you like what I am about to write about! Click on the image below: Emma describes herself as a ‘designer-maker, naturalist, illustrator, mum and author.’ and ‘an ardent fan of cake, yarn and hedgerows.’ Sounded like a perfect combination! When I saw Emma release dates for another workshop last year, I thought I would treat myself! I knew it was ‘right up my street’ and I wanted to get back into creative stuff in 2020 as my artistic streak needs outlets and I have done very little in the way of art for so long. February 29th seemed a very long way away, but suddenly, an email from Emma reminded me that it was just a few weeks away! So, today, I drove all the way to Cambridgeshire… an early start and a long drive but SO worth it! I have spent, what feels l