Mini Winter ?

Sunny, 6°, breezy WNW.

A colder day than of late with a brief snow flurry early morning but fortunately did not settle.

4 Stonechat (3m & 1f) along the Bunk line, a few Meadow Pipit around in the fields and 2 Bullfinch and a Grey Heron along Green lane.

2 Stonechat (1m & 1f) still present Cholsey Meadows. Per Alan.

Gulls were few and far between today with only a few Lesser Blackback and Black-headed Gull overhead, although Alan saw 2 Herring Gull and several Black-headed Gull on one of the floods.

A few small flocks of Fieldfare, Redwing and Starling, and a few Buzzard and Red Kite enjoying the windy conditions.

2 Song Thrush singing near the garden at dusk.

Stonechat (f)
 Stonechat (m)
3 Stonechat
Goldcrest (courtesy Alan)
Long-tailed Tit 
 Fieldfare, Redwing & Starling
 Herring Gull (courtesy Alan)
Bullfinch (f) (courtesy Alan)
The Moon & Venus at dusk

from Cholsey Wildlife


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