
Constant light to moderate rain, 11°. Fresh SW.

A wet ‘n windy day with more rain to add to the already waterlogged ground.

6 (4m, 2f) Stonechat feeding very actively along the Bunk line this morning, (also seen by Alan in the afternoon) another 2, (m & f) at Cholsey Meadows this morning, per Alan.

A good few Gulls around taking advantage of the flooded areas. c150 Black-headed Gull, 3 Herring Gull, 9 Lesser Blackback Gull and 2 Great Blackback Gull.

A small flock of Fieldfare and Redwing, 3 Canada Geese, 5 Common Snipe, a small flock of 8 Meadow Pipit and a Sparrowhawk.

A Mistle Thrush singing from the top of a tree in the adverse weather. No wonder they used to call them Stormcock. And surprisingly 2 Skylark also in song.

 Stonechat (courtesy Alan) ↕

The Sparrowhawk taking shelter from the rain in the garden this afternoon, stayed there for a good hour.
And a Jay turned up late afternoon.
video of Stonechat (courtesy Alan)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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