Roll on Spring

Overcast, 9°, breezy SW.

February has been rather poor so far and today was no exception. Very little seen out at Lollingdon. The usual flock of Winter Thrushes around but very little else noted. Most of the farmland being deserted.

Fortunately Alan has been out on the other side of the village and has had better luck.

A female Stonechat has been wintering around the Cholsey Meadows area and was seen in the week.

The River and Marsh area gives a greater biodiversity of habitats and is turning up more species.

Stonechat (courtesy Alan Dawson)
 Nuthatch (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Reed Bunting (courtesy Alan Dawson)
First Cowslip of the year
A short vid of the Stonechat and a Mistle Thrush in song (courtesy Alan Dawson)
On another note the understory in the Millennium wood has been cleared. My question is WHY? Is this our obsession with tidiness or what?

there has been a motorcycle event on Lollingdon Hill this week and they have left the track/footpath (north side) in a complete mess. The bikes have churned up the track and it is mud, mud, mud. (video to big to upload here). Will post it directly to FB.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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