All quiet 'cept for the weather

Overcast, 19°, breezy ENE with rain on the way.

Bird of the day was an adult male Hobby that went swooping thru out at Lollingdon. Both Tony Williams and I were alerted by Swallow alarm calls and looked up to see this bird pass by.

A few Swift feeding overhead and a flyover Yellow Wagtail.

Potentially 12 pairs of Yellowhammer breeding between home and Lollingdon Hill and represents good numbers locally.

Also 2 pair of Reed Bunting in the same area.

Mammals: Brown Hare and Roe Deer.

Butterflies: Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown.

 Blackcap family (courtesy Alan)
Emperor (courtesy Alan)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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