
Overcast with light rain, 15°, light SSW.

An early walk out to Lollingdon and back.

The Black-headed Gull cruising the Millennium field and nearby areas this morning and a Grey Wagtail near the Bullshole.

There has been 2 BHG’s noted in the area and 3 more joined them one evening last week. Per AM & JW. The 3 may have been passing thru?

The one or two have been present for the last couple of months and maybe are non-breeders. They usually breed in wetlands. i.e. coastal, reservoirs, lakes, marshes etc. and are a colonial breeder. They have not bred in Cholsey to my knowledge but a few are seen along the Thames in summer. However there is an outside chance they may?

2 Little Owl seen out at Lollingdon and 18 Lesser Black-back Gull flew north east over the hill.

A Kestrel hunting over the hill, several Swift feeding overhead and 2 Mistle Thrush briefly and all the usuals present.

Alan walked the Bunk line this morning with good numbers of Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin around. And also saw a Hornet Robberfly.

2 Common Sandpiper flying down river yesterday. Per Paul Rainsden.

A Treecreeper and a Chiffchaff in the garden this afternoon

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: a single Meadow Brown noted.

Not one but two Little Owl
 A pair of Common Whitethroat scalding me this morning and I realised I was too close to their nest site. So moved away post haste!

 Brown Hare

Grey Heron (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/06/halfway.html


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