Little Owl resurfaces

Light cloud with a few sunny spells, 15°, light NNE.

The Little Owl seen out at Lollingdon today for the first time in over a month! Was getting quite concerned that they had abandond the area or that some ill fortune had overcome them.

6 Swift, 14 House Martin and 8 Swallow feeding around Lollingdon hill today for a good hour or more before drifting off west.

There was a single gull associating with the corvids in the pig fields and although distant it looked like an adult Lesser Blackback Gull, unusual for this time of year. 

All the usual suspects present elsewhere.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: 1 Large Skipper, 2 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Speckled Wood

Interesting that on Alans main walk he sees far more butterflies and insects in general than I do. Alans walk takes in a more diverse riparian habitat whereas my main walk takes in farmland monocultures that have been treated with pesticides and herbicides, therefore a more degraded habitat!

Moths: singles of Brimstone and Cinnabar.

 Little Owl
 Brown Hare
Large Skipper

from Cholsey Wildlife


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