Little Egret

A murky morning with a damp mist, 8°, light E.

A marked decrease in the number of Thrushes out at Lollingdon with only a couple of hundred seen. Majority Fieldfare, 40+ Redwing and 5 Mistle Thrush.

50+ Fieldfare, 5 Corn Bunting, 2 Yellowhammer and a Reed Bunting on the hill and a Kestrel, 3 Jay and 3 Goldcrest also seen nearby.

A Little Egret flushed by a dog walker from Cholsey brook and settled briefly in a tree before dropping down in to the brook further on.

A Grey Wagtail seen by Alan Dawson in the same location and further sightings of the Little Egret.

A few snatched shots of the Little Egret before it disappeared.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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