Winter is coming

Cold and cloudy with light rain, 5°, breezy NE.

Cold and quiet out there today. Did not see a lot until I got out to Lollingdon.

c300 Fieldfare and 50+ Redwing feeding on the hill and a few hundred more around Lollingdon.

The odd Yellowhammer seen and a single Kestrel hunting.

A lot of birds feeding in the garden today with 2 Crow, 6 Mallard, 4 Moorhen, 2 Stock Dove, 2 Mistle Thrush, Nuthatch, Coal Tit and Great-spotted Woodpecker to name a few.

Mammals: 3 Roe Deer.

Crow vs Red Kite (courtesy Giuseppe Morlando)
Treecreeper (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Roe Deer

from Cholsey Wildlife


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