Maryland Adventures Part 5: Bushnell Chipmunks

I have to admit, I was captivated by the Chipmunks at Ed’s farm in Maryland! No one really takes any notice of these cheeky mammals, just as we rarely give  grey squirrel a second look, but for me, they were a new mammal to watch and photograph and I just loved them!

When I first put the food out for the birds, the chipmunks were a little way of approaching and I only got fleeting glimpses of them. As they gained confidence, I started to capture footage on the Bushnells. I’m not sure where they were stashing all the food, but it was hilarious watching their cheek punches get bigger and bigger as they crammed them to bursting point, before disappearing into the undergrowth to offload before returning once again!

It was not belong before I had some cracking footage of these animated little creatures…



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