Merlin, Stonechat & Green Sandpiper

Variable cloud with some sunshine, 9°, light W.

2 Stonechat still present on the hill today but quite elusive. A singing Corn Bunting, c20 Meadow Pipit a mobile flock of c200 Starling and c100 Fieldfare also around the hill area.

Scattered flocks of Fieldfare and Redwing elsewhere and a single Lapwing noted.

A Merlin flew overhead near Little Lollingdon and several Yellowhammer and a Kestrel around.

A dead Buzzard found in a ditch surrounded by a lot of white feathers (poss Little Egret). Can only speculate what happened there!

C60 Golden Plover on Cholsey Hill and 2 Herring Gull in the field opposite the Church.

2 Nuthatch, a Coal Tit, a Treecreeper and a Great-spotted Woodpecker in the garden today along with several other visiting species. And several Black-headed Gull feeding in the meadow.

A Green Sandpiper heard flying over the garden at 17:00.

A Mistle Thrush singing regularly in the meadow mainly at dawn and dusk.

Remains of a Buzzard and a number of white feathers?

from Cholsey Wildlife


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