
Sunny then clouding over, 8°, light SE.

Right from the off there were Fieldfare and Redwing around with the majority out at Lollingdon. Again Redwing were the majority outnumbering Fieldfare by around 3-1. Quite a few Blackbird noted with 50+ and c30 Song Thrush and a flock of c120 Starling.

Several Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer around the hill along with 20+ Meadow Pipit.

A least 6 Common Snipe feeding and preening in the middle of a field and around 20 Pied Wagtail in the same field.

A couple of Bullfinch in the Millennium Wood and a Grey Heron along Cholsey Brook.


 Bullfinch (courtesy Alan Dawson)
 Corn Bunting
Male Great-spotted Woodpecker in garden

from Cholsey Wildlife


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