Between the Rains

Overcast with rain on the way, 15°, light NNW.

After 2 days of rain I went out this morning and just got back before the rain started again.

2 Spotted Flycatcher found today, probably passage birds moving through (still some Spot Flys arriving on the south coast).

The “songscape” still dominated by Yellowhammer, Corn Bunting, Common Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Blackcap and a single Willow Warbler, Reed Bunting and 2 Lesser Whitethroat (1 seen, 1 heard).

A Raven and a Little Owl out at Lollingdon and a Goldcrest singing in the brook meadow.

3 Lesser Blackback Gull associating with Corvids in the pig fields and a single Black-headed Gull flew over.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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