Has Summer arrived?

Sunny, 23°, light ENE.

A nice warm day today and reflected by the number of insects around and Painted Lady butterflies just into double figures with 11 seen.

Firstly the Spotted Flycatcher pair still present so staying hopeful.

Then out to Lollingdon and bumped into a Little Owl, one of the pair present out there.

The Swallow family have now fledged with 5 young, sat on the wires and being fed regularly by the 3 adults that raised them.

Several Swift and a couple of House Martin feeding overhead.

8 Yellowhammer still in song on the walk out and several Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Common Whitethroat still singing.

Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler still singing well on Cholsey Marsh (less so Sedge Warbler). Per TW.

A Little Egret seen to fly into Cholsey Brook in the meadow yesterday.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Dragonflies: Banded Demoiselle, Azure Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Large Red Damselfly, Southern Hawker and Emperor Dragonfly.

Butterflies: Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Large Skipper, Brimstone, Large White, Common Blue, Red Admiral (6), Painted Lady (11), Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Comma, Speckled Wood, Marbled White and Meadow Brown (most numerous).

Little Owl
Southern Hawker
Emperor (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Marbled White
 Common Whitethroat
Song Thrush

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/06/has-summer-arrived.html


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