Spotted a Spotted and another Spotted

Sunshine and showers, 16°, breezy SSW.

Spotted Flycatcher is almost another lost species to Cholsey. However it appears we may have a breeding pair in the village. The location is being withheld to prevent disturbance which is fair enough and this will be the first in approx. 5 years since they last bred in the village.

A flurry of Swift (20+) and House Martin (12+) over Lollingdon Hill today moving ahead of a rain shower that passed over and a few more Swift on the back end of the shower feeding over the hill.

Other sightings very much the same as Wednesday and mainly very static out there at the moment.

Evidence of an active Barn Owl out at Lollingdon as some fresh pellets found (per TW).

The Swallows breeding out at Lollingdon have 3 adults currently hunting for food. It is not unknown for young from the previous year to stay with the parents and help with rearing duties on the current brood. This may well be the case with these.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Speckled Wood and 3 Meadow Brown.

Small Tortoiseshell
Common Spotted Orchid growing in the garden.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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