A wet one

Cloudy with frequent showers, 14°, breezy S.

Not particularly good weather for birding today and a walk out to Lollingdon and back proved right.

The hill was pretty quiet on the ground, however a bit of vis-mig (visible migration) livened up the proceedings with 150+ House Martin moving south east and several Skylark, Meadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail over.

A single Raven flew east and a Sparrowhawk high to the south.

Several Chiffchaff still roaming around with Tit flocks and a small flock of Yellowhammer out near Little Lollingdon and a Goldcrest in the Bullshole.

5 Redwing over Church road late afternoon.

Blue Tit
 Don't get a lot of Fungi on farmland but found this today and as yet unidentified.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-wet-one.html


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