Ring Ouzel

Early rain then cloudy with sunny spells, 14°, light W.

A Ring Ouzel (m) found out at Lollingdon today feeding in a hedgerow near the paddocks. Initially heard calling, a call to me that sounds mid-way between a Blackbird and Fieldfare.

60+ Redwing also present in the area and an increase in Blackbird and Song Thrush numbers.

2 Swallow seen flying south on my way back. Also seen, Kingfisher, 2 Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, 2 Mistle Thrush and several Chiffchaff.

Alan saw 12-15 Mistle Thrush after I left and a flock of around 40 Redwing.

Lots of Redwing in Wallingford (Castle Meadow area) today. Per Alan.

Sparrowhawk visited garden again!

Mammals: Stoat with prey, Brown Hare and Roe Deer.

Dragonflies: a single Hawker (poss Migrant) and several Common Darter.

Butterflies: a single Large White and several Red Admiral.

 Ring Ouzel
 Pied Wagtail
 Common Darter
Roe Deer

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/10/ring-ouzel.html


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