Wind & Rain and not much else!

Overcast with almost constant light rain, 16°, moderate SW.

At a peak time for rare and scarce birds with American land birds turning up from Iceland, thru the Scottish isles, west coast of Britain and down to the Azores. And a good influx of more Eastern rarities on the UK East coast and elsewhere.

However back in Middle Earth these things do not happen but we live in hope.

The south westerly winds this week have not been conducive to decent birding and today was no exception.

A Raven flew west near the Bullshole, a Little Owl heard calling out at Lollingdon, a Mistle Thrush, about the only bird on the hill, a Kingfisher and a handful of Chiffchaff!

A Stoat seen hunting out at Lollingdon.

This photo of a Little Owl taken on Portland a couple of years ago.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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