Cool & Bright

Sunny at first then clouding over, 13°, light NW.

A lot of birds on the hill today with 50+ Meadow Pipit, c12 Yellowhammer, 6 Pied Wagtail and around 40 Linnet and all flushed by a marauding Sparrowhawk that was subsequently chased off by 2 Magpie.

25 Swallow and a single House Martin south over the hill and a few Skylark meandering about.

A Kestrel hunting on the hill and 4 Buzzard and 6 Red Kite enjoying the lift the wind was giving.

Still good numbers of Chiffchaff around with one in the garden this morning. Plus the Grey Wagtail in the garden and a Sparrowhawk caught a Goldfinch.

A House Martin still attending a nest along Church road with at least 2 young still present.

30+ Golden Plover over the village yesterday. Per Alan Dawson.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Dragonflies: several Common Darter.

Butterflies: Large White (2), Red Admiral (3) and Speckled Wood (1).

 Meadow Pipit
 Speckled Wood
 Red Admiral

from Cholsey Wildlife


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