Bunk Line/Green Lane

Overcast with rain showers, 11°, light SW.

Earlier in the morning there were a lot of Gulls on the flooded field along Church road. c250 Black-headed Gull, 3 Herring Gull (ads) and 2 Great Blackback Gull (1 ad & 1 1stw).

When I got back most Gulls had dispersed and just 40 odd Black-headed Gull present.

A Peregrine flew over Green Lane, putting a flock of Rook and Jackdaw to flight and a Kestrel hunting nearby.

Good numbers of Thrushes around. I stood by a gateway and watched c500 Thrushes fly past over a period of around 30 minutes. 90% Fieldfare and 10% Redwing. A small flock of around 50 Starling in the area and 2 Pied Wagtail and a single Yellowhammer flew overhead. 2 Mistle Thrush in song, 1 towards Winterbrook and the other close to the village. Also a couple of Song Thrush singing.

Mammals: Roe Deer & Brown Hare.

 Sparrowhawk (courtesy Alan Dawson)

Yesterdays Red Admiral (courtesy Tony Rayner)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/01/bunk-linegreen-lane.html


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