
Sunny intervals, 7°, light W.

Very quiet and still out there today, the odd Mistle and Song Thrush singing but little going on.

Alan found a Stonechat out to the north west of the village. And a Buzzard feeding on what appears to be a dead chicken.

2 Mistle Thrush on the playing fields.

A scattering of Fieldfare and Redwing but no large flocks noted.

Around 1000 Gulls settled near the pig fields but too distant for ID.

Mammals: Roe Deer, and a couple of Pipistrelle seen flying to the south of the village earlier this week! Per HM.

Butterflies: a Brimstone seen yesterday in the village. Per Geoff Wyatt. Only the 10th January and 2 butterfly species seen!

from Cholsey Wildlife


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