New Years Day

Sunny at first then cloudy, 7°, light S.

The first bird of the year today was, inventively a Robin, heard singing at 02:30 this morning closely followed by a couple of Tawny Owl calling near Church road.

A walk out to Lollingdon and back produced 40+ more species.

7 Lapwing, a Grey Heron, plenty of Thrushes etc.

Alan saw 70+ Golden Plover on Cholsey Hill.

The surprisingly first butterfly of the year was a Red Admiral on Lollingdon Hill this morning.

Mammals included Roe & Muntjac Deer and Brown Hare.

Golden Plover (courtesy Alan Dawson)

 Roe Deer
 Pied Wagtail (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Grey Wagtail (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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