Wet n' windy

Wet n’ windy, 9°, breezy S.

Fairly quiet along the Bunk line area today and not surprising given the weather conditions.

About 1km into the walk I noticed all the Corvids, Pigeons and Thrushes etc. all up in the air and scattering. On scanning the horizon it was down to a Peregrine flying over heading south.

A female Sparrowhawk hunting the hedgerow along Green lane and a Kestrel nearby.

Good numbers of Fieldfare and Starling in the area but very few Redwing.

The usual Black-headed Gull (c50) on the flooded areas and 2 Herring Gull present.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/01/wet-n-windy.html


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