A change in the weather and quieter

Sunny spells then clouding over, 14°, moderate SW.

A lot cooler and windier than of late and reflected in the lack of insects around.

Both Alan and I out along the Bunk line/ Green lane area today and not a lot noted.

Alan saw a Hobby over the new gravel workings and I saw presumably the same bird a little later spooking a flock of Starling a bit further south.

A fair few Chiffchaff and Meadow Pipit around plus a light movement of Swallow and House Martin overhead and a single Blackcap and the usual flock of Yellowhammer noted.

Dragonflies: 1 Southern Hawker and several Common Darter.

Butterflies: a handful of Large and Small White, 1 Red Admiral and 1 Comma.

Hobby (courtesy Alan)
Chiffchaff (courtesy Alan)
Meadow Pipit

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/09/a-change-in-weather-and-quieter.html


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