Quiet on all fronts

Sunny with high cloud, 20°, light ENE.

Very quiet out along the Bunk line today but good to see both Tony Williams and Brian Wyatt out there birding.

A small flock of Hirundines out near Green lane comprised around 20 Swallow and 5+ House Martin.

Several roaming flocks of Starling, a Kestrel, 5-6 Chiffchaff, 2 of each Meadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail. A single Mistle Thrush and a Blackcap and that was about it! Apart from the usual large flock of Corvids.

Dragonflies: several Southern Hawker and Common Darter.

Butterflies: as usual several Large and Small White and a single Small Tortoiseshell.

Meadow Pipit

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/09/quiet-on-all-fronts.html


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