Still rather quiet

Cloudy, 16°, light WNW backing W.

Not a great deal out there today with both Alan and me walking the Bunk line/Green lane area at different times.

The odd Chiffchaff, a single Blackcap and several small flocks of Swallow and House Martin passing thru.

The small flock of Yellowhammer present and a Reed Bunting with them.

Several Meadow Pipit around and approximately 20 Skylark and a few Pied Wagtail overhead.

A small flock of 12 Black-headed Gull and 2 Lesser Blackback Gull at CSW.

Dragonflies: 1 Southern Hawker and a couple of Common Darter.

Butterflies: several Whites, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Red Admiral and 1 Small Heath.

Meadow Pipit

from Cholsey Wildlife


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